I will always be known as the girl that spammed Windsong’s Instagram.

One year later, I am writing my “90 Day Blog.”

With a pile of headshots to my left and a stack of receipts to my right, I try to find the right words to describe my experience at Windsong thus far. Part of what has me stumped is that I have learned so much that I don’t know where to start!

The thing that I love most about my position is how diverse it is. One day I will be sewing the Halloween costume for a puppet, and the next I will be on a Zoom call with an artist who’s so famous, our lawyers said mentioning his name on the blog was a no-go.

I considered sharing my hope’s for the future (*ahem* becoming a Spanish director) but instead, I will share all the Windsong secrets. Well, maybe not ALL the secrets… our passwords should remain confidential.

The most important secret — not really a secret — is that everyone here cares. They care about their work, care about their craft, care about each other. Whether one of the company partners is reminding me to eat after a full day of filming, or a producer is teaching me how to correctly put together an estimate for a production, or a coworker is putting air in my tire after noticing that it was low — everyone here cares. And I feel so insanely blessed to have the opportunity to learn from all of them.

Oh, and they all have a pretty good sense of humor, too!

The running joke is that Grant, Austin and myself are Gen Z’ers. But I want to clear something up. Gen Z’ers eat Tide Pods, and none of us have eaten a Tide Pod.

Well, Grant has maybe tried half of one.




But not a whole one.




Definitely not a whole one.




So that proves it, Austin and I can’t be Gen Z’ers. We are millennials, through and through.

Thank You For Coming To My Ted Talk. 

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  • Sheldon says:

    Welcome to Windsong. My son says good things about the company so I believe it to be true. And now after ninety days, you confirm some of what I heard. My wife and I love your last name. Ask Josh.

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