Let’s hear what Austin, our new post-production assistant, has to say about his first 90 days at Windsong.

My first 90 days at Windsong have been amazing. I don’t think anyone would know what to expect until you’re here. I was immediately welcomed by everyone at Windsong and after about the first month I had the feeling that I’ve known everyone and been here a lot longer than I have.

Within the first week I was already learning things I hadn’t even considered related to editing and video production. Along with that, I think I learned a lot about what keeps a place like this running: good coffee, good food, and good adult beverages. The amount of knowledge I have learned about brewing a great pot of coffee for the team in the morning, finding a good local place to eat for lunch, and making a decent cocktail for everyone is insane.

The amount of teamwork and collaboration that flows through this place is astounding. Everyone knows their strengths and weaknesses. A project can be worked on by 5 or more people at any time and yet there is no confusion or tripping over each other and deadlines are met. You may help start a project, then it’ll leave your hands as you work on something else; next thing you know, the project is finished and aired.

Collaboration is a huge part of Windsong. As a post-production assistant, I have had the opportunity to work on huge shoots doing DIT, create 3D graphics for commercials, and do VFX to enhance a sky or make it look like nighttime. Not to mention I got to help add a new expansion to our server, which added 96 terabytes of space for new projects! Those are just a couple things I can remember. Projects move so fast here, it’s hard to think of what you have worked on until you end up seeing it on TV at a friend’s house and shout “Hey, I did that!”—which comes up a lot if you follow all the work Windsong has done.

It’s been mentioned before and, if you follow any of Windsong’s social media (you should, if you don’t), you would know Windsong plays just as hard as they work. We host The Germ multiple times a year. It encourages people to get out and make a film, then screens them where the public is invited to come for free! And this year’s anniversary party is supposed to be pretty eventful from the whispers I’ve heard around. Not to mention happy hour on Wednesdays that really makes you forget about it being the middle of the week. I also hear something about a slide pretty soon—how can you not, with access to 3 stories of height in a building like this?

All in all, the people I have the opportunity to work with and the projects I get to work on are great. It’s been an exciting 3 months and I can’t wait to watch Windsong grow over time.

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