The Germ: 10 Reasons Why You Should Submit a Short Film

Read all about it at

1. You’ll be famous for five minutes.


2. You can get away with doing all kinds of strange things in public if someone is filming you.

3. Making your own movie may actually be cheaper than going to the movies.

4. This is your chance to prove, once and for all, you really could direct a movie better than Michael Bay.

5. Creating is good for the soul.

6. Making a movie = fun date night. (No, not that kind of movie!)

7. It’s good for your health, probably.

8. You’ve already seen everything worth watching on Netflix.

9. Your mom will be really impressed.

10. Why not?

Submissions are due Monday, October 13 at 5 p.m. Films will be screened on Thursday, October 16 at Windsong Productions.

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